In Spain, only 4 out of 10 children do the daily exercise recommended by the WHO. And yet, physical activity at these ages will contribute to growth and strengthen their muscles to lead a healthier life. There are many sports for children , depending on their physical capacity, skills and tastes.
From a fun , more playful type of gymnastics for children to more mental and strategic sports activities, the options are very varied. Would you like your child to start practicing a sport? The key is to find one that fulfills him! Take a look at the different sports for children and choose the one that best suits your child.
Most recommended children’s sports and benefits
Sport and health in children are two aspects that go hand in hand. However, depending on which one is practiced, the child will be strengthening different aspects of his body. These are the most recommended children’s sports because they are comprehensive.
Swimming is one of the most complete sports since it exercises many of the body’s muscles. This sport is ideal for correcting body posture , especially back problems. In addition, it improves flexibility and tones the body with non-invasive exercises , while maintaining good physical shape. Swimming also helps to find mental balance and reduces stress , thanks to the warm, aquatic environment of swimming pools.
Martial arts
Martial arts , such as karate or judo , are considered one of the most recommended sports for children. Principles of self-control and defense are worked on (always sporting and healthy), as well as concentration and reflex agility . Martial arts instill a climate of discipline but also balance, ideal for certain ages.
Basketball is one of the team sports par excellence. If your child plays it , he or she will have to work on socialization and respect for the rules that regulate this discipline. From a physical point of view, it develops agility and coordination of movements . But, without a doubt, the best thing is that it can be played anywhere, whether indoors or in a covered area, in the park or in a more professional environment
Climbing is one of the least known sports activities for children, and yet it has the most health benefits. Its high educational power helps to overcome fears and develops the mental level. In addition, it works on calm and responsible decision-making, improving maturity. And, of course, climbing requires agility in movements, flexibility and adequate muscle power.
Rhythmic gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics prevents muscle injuries, strengthens muscles and keeps excess weight at bay. In addition, rhythmic gymnastics is one of the sports for children that most develops their creativity.
Although chess is a more static discipline, it has great benefits for children. Obviously, from a mental point of view, it improves concentration, strategic vision of the game and mental agility. This sport also exercises memory and works on empathetic thinking, by trying to guess the opponent’s moves. But it doesn’t only develop mental skills! The tension of the game increases blood pressure, pulse and breathing.
The importance of sport in children
As parents, we know that physical activity is essential for the health, development, performance and mood of the little ones in the house, but what sport is most suitable for their age and for how long should they exercise? If you are also wondering about this, don’t worry. Pediatrician Mar answers all these questions in her new video.
Sports for children by age
From 3 to 5 years
According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, preschool children should be physically active for at least 3 hours a day (free play and natural movement of children are sufficient). Something interesting at this age is that starting swimming classes between 1 and 4 years of age reduces the number of drownings
From 5 to 7 years old
With the start of school, parents can encourage outdoor activities. It is essential to teach them respect for nature and encourage their independence. Some ideas are: climbing, skiing, horse riding, swimming, or cycling. These are all the reasons why you should encourage them to do outdoor activities!
From 7 to 10 years
From the age of 7, children begin to develop a strategic vision of the game and understand the usefulness of working as a team. It’s a perfect age for them to practice team sports! Some examples of physical exercises for children aged 8 to 10 are basketball, hockey, tennis or volleyball!
From 10 years old
Some sports have a competitive or overcoming aspect that is naturally born in some children. From the age of 10, most children can already practice any sport, given that their motor development is advanced. However, if your child is interested, it may be time to join a federation . Ask your child if they want to join a club or team where they can practice their favorite sport at a competitive level!
For children from 5 years old, parents can look for sports activities, preferably in a group or with the family and outdoors. Interesting sports at this age are swimming and martial arts , as they promote coordination.
Sports at home for children
Although it is recommended that children get outside, explore and socialise with other children, sometimes it is not possible to play a sport outdoors. Rainy days, school holidays or lack of motivation can keep them away from outdoor environments. But playing sports at home for children is also possible!
Yoga is a discipline that does not require very specific equipment and can be done at home. You will only need a mat and loose clothing. In addition, it helps to exercise breathing, flexibility and better manage your child’s mood. If your child is especially nervous, do not hesitate to try it! Here are some tips so you can start teaching yourself. They can also practice Zumba or gymnastics at home and have a fun time while exercising their muscles.
Final Tips
Sports activities for children will fill up some of their free time in the afternoon. On the other hand, it is one of the most effective ways of transmitting positive values to them, which they end up internalizing as they grow. Achieving their goals through effort will help them face life with greater maturity in the future. So, what are you waiting for? Encourage your child to practice the sport they like the most!
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